Longest distance on 20m SSB with RA9V, 5148 km
Author: normsys
PA-Beker 2021
Results for the PA-Beker contest SSB on 14-11-2021 Blue is 80 m and red is 40 m.
FT8 Results
My FT8 results from June 2017 until now. The greatest distance is to YC6RMT in Indonesia 10043 km with 80 Watts into a folded end-fed antenna.
PACC-contest 2021
This year it was not possible to take part with the multi operator club station so I joined in from home. I did miss the social part of building up the contest station, would have been cold this year with all the snow and ice. Taking it easy and enjoying the contest resulted in the…
Start build of DRA-30
Today I started with the build of the DRA-30, a Radio Interface for Digital Two-Way Radio Applications. Checked all the parts and then soldered resistors, diodes and crystal in place.
Building a new Pi
At the moment I am running KM4ACK’s script to build a HAM radio Pi. I must be patient until the script has finished as all programs will be built and installed from scratch.
Hello world!
Welcome to my site on amateur radio. I will publish my projects as they progress.