Flash microSD with latest Raspian with only Desktop. Go to https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/ and download and install the Raspberry Pi Imager. Select the Raspberry Pi OS with desktop and no other applications. Select the SD card and write the image to the card.
Prepare the card to start the Pi headless, without monitor, keyboard and mouse. In your file browser go to the SD card and create a new text file with the name ssh (no extension) and place a single space character in the file and save it.
- Place the SD card in the Pi and boot it connected to your ethernet.
- Find raspberrypi on router and fix IP and Hostname
- SSL into Pi (user pi, pwd: raspberry)
sudo raspi-config
- System Optiens -> Password
- System Options -> Hostname
- Interfacing Options -> VNC -> Enable
- Display Options -> Resolution -> Mode 82 1920×1080 60Hz 16:9
- Advanced Options -> Expand Filesystem
- Reboot
- VNC into Pi
- Follow configuration
- Reboot
- VNC into Pi and start a terminal window
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt dist-upgrade -y
- Reboot if new software installed